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School Reps required

School Union Rep 2024-2025

Welcome back, everyone. We hope the first week is going well.We are looking to confirm school union reps for this school year. School rep positions follow a two-year cycle, and we aim for school reps to remain in the position for at least two years.

 It's a small commitment to be a school rep, and we don't expect you to deal with complex issues in your school. However, each work site must have an ESSP/ECE rep (only one member per school), and we will support you every step of the way. School reps also receive a $10/month honorarium at the end of the year for the months they fulfilled the role.

 We understand that members do not always stay in the same school/worksite, and sometimes, members need to step down for personal reasons. If you need to step down, please connect with colleagues and determine who will replace you. If your rep has moved to a new school/worksite, we would like other members to put their names forward for this role.

Please communicate with all EA and ECE members at your worksite to determine if the current rep is returning or if a new rep needs to be selected. If more than one person is interested, you should have an anonymous vote to determine which individual will be the rep. The idea is to reach a consensus. **Reps will be required to attend rep training this year.

Please confirm or select a new rep by September 27th by 4:00 p.m. and let us know.I've attached a brief synopsis of the school rep's responsibilities.

Please use the link below to send the School Rep's name and personal email to Cheryl Lampkin.

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